Sunday, May 11, 2014

Worst Ice Cream Man Ever!

I've been meaning to post this for a while but I just haven't had the time.  Then, last week I overheard  a group of children coming into the school singing "Jingle Bells" at the top of their lungs.  It didn't even occur to me to ask them why they were singing "Jingle Bells" in May.  I knew why. It's probably the same reason that I often find myself singing "Jingle Bells." (Although I tend to sing it quietly in my head so that I don't appear crazy to those around me.)

When I first got to Xi'an and we were still staying in the hotel, I went out walking around the neighborhood and I heard what sounded like the ice cream man.  (If you're not from the states, it's basically a guy who drives around in a van blasting music to attract children to then sell them ice cream and popsicles.)

The first one I heard was playing the Happy Birthday song over and over.  It wasn't the ice cream man.  It was the street cleaner.  I thought it a bit odd but then just carried on with my day.  It was over the next few days that I realized that the street cleaners mostly played Christmas Carols.

Jingle bells is a very common one.  I hear it all the time. It tends to get into your head and stick there.

This one is not as common.  It's "Frosty the Snowman."  I cut it off a bit, sorry.  But you can still get the gist of it.

And even if I don't go outside, I can still get the merry holiday sounds delivered right outside my apartment.  I took this one from my living room window.
Not exactly a "Silent Night."  

I also hear "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"quite a bit, and lately, "It's a Small World."  I don't have it on tape but by now I'm sure you get the picture.  I'm assuming that the music is to alert you to get out of the way so that you aren't sprayed with water, I am just confused by their song choices.  I think that I will add "street cleaner in China" to the list of jobs I don't want.  

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